User interview warm-up questions
A list of questions designed to help put participants at ease and gather valuable insight.
For those who have conducted user interviews you’ll understand the importance of starting strong. After outlining the interview format, it’s tempting to dive straight in and begin asking the questions you need answers to. This abrupt approach can catch participants off-guard, resulting in sub-optimal insights. A more effective strategy involves greasing the wheels first by posing questions that participants feel at ease answering and have likely already formed an opinion about. This not only helps establish rapport but also demonstrates to participants the value they can contribute.
Within this collection, you’ll find a variety of thoughtfully crafted warm-up questions, each serving as a unique tool in your conversational toolkit. Choose the ones that best fit the context of your interview.
- Before we dive in, could you tell me a bit about your role and how you typically interact with [product X]?
- What did you do before you started using [product X]?
- Tell me about what initially attracted you to [product X]?
- In the landscape of [industry or category], how does our product stand out for you? Can you think of a specific feature or aspect that you find particularly unique or valuable?
- How would you describe your level of engagement with [product X]—casual user, power user, or somewhere in between?
- Considering your daily routine, how seamlessly does [product X] integrate into your workflow?
- When it comes to receiving updates or information about [product X], do you have a preferred communication channel?
- Reflecting on your recent interactions with other digital products, could you recall a memorable experience that left an impression, whether positive or challenging?
- Let’s imagine for a moment that you’re introducing [product X] to a friend who’s never used our product. How would you describe it to make them excited to try it out?
- Looking ahead, what goals do you hope to achieve using [product X]?
- When collaborating with others who also use [product X], are there common pain points or areas where you find alignment?
- As we explore various aspects today, are there specific topics or areas you’re hoping we touch upon? Any expectations or particular aspects you’d like to discuss during our conversation?
In any project, it's important to adapt to the specific context at hand. The following provides a general guide on how to formulate/use this resource.
For those who have conducted user interviews you’ll understand the importance of starting strong. After outlining the interview format, it’s tempting to dive straight in and begin asking the questions you need answers to. This abrupt approach can catch participants off-guard, resulting in sub-optimal insights. A more effective strategy involves greasing the wheels first by posing questions that participants feel at ease answering and have likely already formed an opinion about. This not only helps establish rapport but also demonstrates to participants the value they can contribute.
Within this collection, you’ll find a variety of thoughtfully crafted warm-up questions, each serving as a unique tool in your conversational toolkit. Choose the ones that best fit the context of your interview.
- Before we dive in, could you tell me a bit about your role and how you typically interact with [product X]?
- What did you do before you started using [product X]?
- Tell me about what initially attracted you to [product X]?
- In the landscape of [industry or category], how does our product stand out for you? Can you think of a specific feature or aspect that you find particularly unique or valuable?
- How would you describe your level of engagement with [product X]—casual user, power user, or somewhere in between?
- Considering your daily routine, how seamlessly does [product X] integrate into your workflow?
- When it comes to receiving updates or information about [product X], do you have a preferred communication channel?
- Reflecting on your recent interactions with other digital products, could you recall a memorable experience that left an impression, whether positive or challenging?
- Let’s imagine for a moment that you’re introducing [product X] to a friend who’s never used our product. How would you describe it to make them excited to try it out?
- Looking ahead, what goals do you hope to achieve using [product X]?
- When collaborating with others who also use [product X], are there common pain points or areas where you find alignment?
- As we explore various aspects today, are there specific topics or areas you’re hoping we touch upon? Any expectations or particular aspects you’d like to discuss during our conversation?
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