Influence based persona template

A persona template for capturing key information about influencers and decision-makers.


Leveraging an influence-based persona can provide a strategic advantage by honing in on key influencers within your target audience. This approach facilitates informed decision-making, targeted relationship-building, and content customisation, ensuring your messages resonate with those who have influence. Furthermore, it unlocks opportunities for network amplification, valuable product development insights, and meaningful community engagement.

  1. Define persona objectives

    • What insights do you want to gain from this persona?
  2. Capture user information

    • Using methods such as interviews and surveys.
  3. Analyse existing data

    • Review any available analytics, feedback, or customer support data.
  4. Compile and synthesise gathered data

    • Organise the information gathered.
  5. Populate the persona template

    • Craft a detailed yet concise representation of your target user.
  6. Validate with stakeholders

    • Gather feedback and ensure consensus on the representation.
  7. Refine and finalise

    • Incorporate feedback and make the necessary adjustments.
  8. Distribute persona

    • Share the persona with relevant teams.
  9. Update when needed

    • Ensure it remains a living representation of your target user.


Envision a character with a name that suggests influence. For instance, “Alexandra, the Strategic Decision Architect,” representing a high-level executive in a tech company.


Provide fundamental details such as age, gender, location, and primary language.

Professional background

Highlight their educational and professional journey. For instance, an MBA in Business Strategy with over 15 years of executive experience.


Use action verbs to describe their current role and tasks related to your product or service. For example, “Directs the strategic alignment of technology solutions with business goals.”

Influence factors

Identify pivotal factors shaping their decisions, such as a focus on cost-effectiveness, sustainability, and strong relationships with key stakeholders.

Communication preferences

Explore their preferred communication methods, e.g., “Favours succinct email updates and values face-to-face meetings for critical discussions.”

Challenges and goals

Highlight challenges like balancing cost-efficiency with sustainability. For example, “Optimise procurement processes to reduce lead times by 10%.” Use action verbs to articulate proactive goals.

Decision-making style

Describe their approach to decisions, e.g., an analytical style considering long-term impact. For example, “Moderate risk tolerance, open to innovative solutions aligned with long-term goals.”

Networking and industry involvement

Identify influential circles, e.g., being a member of the Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply. Industry involvement: “Regular participant in sustainability forums.”

Interests and hobbies

Delve into their passions within the industry, e.g., staying updated on emerging trends in sustainable procurement. Personal interest: “Enjoys hiking and attending sustainability conferences.”

Technological proficiency

Assess their comfort with technology, e.g., “Highly proficient, using a MacBook Pro and iPhone. Comfortable with procurement software and analytics tools.”

Additional insights

Probe their openness to innovative solutions, e.g., “Adopts technology that enhances sustainability practices. Values industry reports and case studies for insights.”

In any project, it's important to adapt to the specific context at hand. The following provides a general guide on how to formulate/use this resource.

Leveraging an influence-based persona can provide a strategic advantage by honing in on key influencers within your target audience. This approach facilitates informed decision-making, targeted relationship-building, and content customisation, ensuring your messages resonate with those who have influence. Furthermore, it unlocks opportunities for network amplification, valuable product development insights, and meaningful community engagement.

  1. Define persona objectives

    • What insights do you want to gain from this persona?
  2. Capture user information

    • Using methods such as interviews and surveys.
  3. Analyse existing data

    • Review any available analytics, feedback, or customer support data.
  4. Compile and synthesise gathered data

    • Organise the information gathered.
  5. Populate the persona template

    • Craft a detailed yet concise representation of your target user.
  6. Validate with stakeholders

    • Gather feedback and ensure consensus on the representation.
  7. Refine and finalise

    • Incorporate feedback and make the necessary adjustments.
  8. Distribute persona

    • Share the persona with relevant teams.
  9. Update when needed

    • Ensure it remains a living representation of your target user.


Envision a character with a name that suggests influence. For instance, “Alexandra, the Strategic Decision Architect,” representing a high-level executive in a tech company.


Provide fundamental details such as age, gender, location, and primary language.

Professional background

Highlight their educational and professional journey. For instance, an MBA in Business Strategy with over 15 years of executive experience.


Use action verbs to describe their current role and tasks related to your product or service. For example, “Directs the strategic alignment of technology solutions with business goals.”

Influence factors

Identify pivotal factors shaping their decisions, such as a focus on cost-effectiveness, sustainability, and strong relationships with key stakeholders.

Communication preferences

Explore their preferred communication methods, e.g., “Favours succinct email updates and values face-to-face meetings for critical discussions.”

Challenges and goals

Highlight challenges like balancing cost-efficiency with sustainability. For example, “Optimise procurement processes to reduce lead times by 10%.” Use action verbs to articulate proactive goals.

Decision-making style

Describe their approach to decisions, e.g., an analytical style considering long-term impact. For example, “Moderate risk tolerance, open to innovative solutions aligned with long-term goals.”

Networking and industry involvement

Identify influential circles, e.g., being a member of the Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply. Industry involvement: “Regular participant in sustainability forums.”

Interests and hobbies

Delve into their passions within the industry, e.g., staying updated on emerging trends in sustainable procurement. Personal interest: “Enjoys hiking and attending sustainability conferences.”

Technological proficiency

Assess their comfort with technology, e.g., “Highly proficient, using a MacBook Pro and iPhone. Comfortable with procurement software and analytics tools.”

Additional insights

Probe their openness to innovative solutions, e.g., “Adopts technology that enhances sustainability practices. Values industry reports and case studies for insights.”

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